Hooray, my practice has now been running for 6 years

Hooray, my practice has now been running for 6 years

After losing my partner, Paul, my outlook on life changed. Until then I worked for a multinational company as a Change Manager. I then opted for a different interpretation of my work, by first completing Coaching training and then Grief and Loss training at Land van Rouw.

Many clients have since found their way to my practice. It touches me, how many have made the choice to choose me. Sometimes it was the text on my website, a poem, the description of who I am, my photo, the reviews, through a telephone conversation with me, a referral from a GP or a recommendation from a client. It is both fascinating and interesting to guide people from different cultural backgrounds in my practice. For me, an essential part of this has always been to provide a safe place where people are welcome with everything going on related to their loss.

A completely different side of my work is advising P&O managers (Personnel & Organization) on how to deal with loss in the workplace and guiding support bereavement groups at Humanitas. I also get a lot of satisfaction and inspiration from this.

I am, of course, not standing still. Over the last two years I have been studying Trauma Processes at Praktijk Parabel by Gwen Timmer and I am slowly integrating this into my work.

To reflect on the success of my practice, the 1.5-hour intake / introductory meeting is free until end of September for people starting a new support program.

Different Bankholidays

Different Bankholidays

On Sunday evening I danced at home and listened to the song ‘Aquarius’ from the rock musical ‘Hair’. From this song the following lines appeal to me:
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
The Aquarian or Piscean Age represents transforming the world to more human values. The text above resonates with me.
This year was clearly a year of reflection and going more inwards.
A year where we take into account other people’s opinion, no matter how difficult this may be. A year where we have had enough of pollution and are becoming more one with nature. Unfortunately also a year were people were more lonely and where it was not always possible to say goodbye to loved ones as we were used to.
Christmas is a time to spend with family and due to the restrictions you might have to spend it without them. The absence which is so tangible, you wished they would be here with you. Christmas and the New Year will be different for many people this year.
No matter what kind of circumstances you may find yourself in and whatever you believe, I wish that 2021 will bring days of light, self-love and above all connection with the new age of Aquarius.